San Carlo Nancy Hospital – Rome
Restoration and redevelopment project
Restoration and redevelopment project
Villa Sofia Hospital in Palermo
Renovation and extension works
Work status: completed
Realization of 2 new buildings in the new hospital area of Olbia
Performing company: Gruppo GeDi
Total area: 40.009 m2
Beds in ordinary hospitalization and Day Hospital for medical, surgical, adult and child patients: 215
Performing companies:”Costruzioni Pallotta S.r.l.” di Altamura (Ba) – “Gruppo Gedi S.r.l.” di Altamura (Ba)
Renovation and extension of the building
Work status: completed
Ospedale SS. Annunziata Palazzina F
Performing company: Gruppo GE.DI.
San Pietro Damiano Hospital – Faenza
Performing company: Gruppo GE.DI.
Health centre – Castrocaro Terme
Performing company: Gruppo GE.DI.